Thursday, June 7, 2012

Summer Plans

Hey friends!

So excited to keep walking through life with you three.

Question: Do we want to try to keep the study going during the summer? It will probably be a little difficult for Alyssa and I to post much, but maybe Lissa could keep sending us ten verses a week and we could all just try to do the best we can. Either that or we could resume in the fall. Thoughts? :)

PS - Kiki, so excited to hear that you got a job! Congrats, friend!


  1. I would love to continue through summer if possible--mostly because I fear a break would be difficult to resume from--but I'm not opposed to starting back up in the fall!

    Also, what do people think about adding (with their joy exegeses <-plural of exegesis?) life applications and document our journey of seeking increased joy as we better understand it from the Bible? Or do you have other ideas as to how we could compensate for the lack of personal contact inherent in blogging?

  2. Hey friends. I will definitely keep sending verses. Do you want me to put them in posts or to e-mail them to you? Not sure which would be easiest to access. Or I could compile a list of the rest of them broken out so we can just have a sheet to work off of. Alyssa, I like your addition of life apps! Perhaps prayer requests could be added on there too.

  3. Both Pearl and I like the idea of having the rest of them broken out! And tomorrow is Tuesday so it could be a perfect day to start on. It's crazy that it's already a week since our last time at Peet's.

  4. I say, it's crazy that it's ONLY a week since our last time at Peet's! Time flies when all four people are crazy busy with new stuff!

    I'm excited to start up again though. I just copied out the next week's verses into my journal, so I'm all set for another week of internet-less joy study. :)
