Tuesday, February 5, 2013

We're really doing it!

Whoooo! We are officially bringing back the blog. AND we have one more friend to join us - one of mine and Alyssa's very dearest friends from houseboats, Emily, is going to do the Faith study with us. :)

So here's the plan.

I think what we'll do is Lissa will post ten verses from her concordance's list of faith verses every Sunday. Then during the week we will all read and study individually, and then sometime later on in the week we can all post about what we found interesting, insightful, encouraging, convicting, etc. Obviously, we're not going to be crazy legalistic about it or anything, but I think if we all aim for one post a week (ish), that'll help us keep it going.

Then the next Sunday we'll get more verses and start again!

Since Lissa already gave me the first ten, I'll just post them here now, and then she can take over for next week.

Deuteronomy 32:30
Habakkuk 2:4
Matthew 6:30, 8:10, 8:26, 9:2, 9:22, 9:29, 14:31, 15:28

Happy studying! Looking forward to fellowshipping with you all from afar!


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